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Data for ITS services

Buchung von Bikesharing

Mobilitätsservices für die erste und letzte Meile der Wiener Linien GmbH und Co KG

Fahrräder an mehreren Standorte via Nextbike

Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG | Bike sharing stations | Wien | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Data for ITS services


Website zum Thermenlandbus der Österreichischen Postbus Aktiengesellschaft betreffend Fahrplan, Ticketing, Information zu Kundenbüros und angebundenen Thermen.

Österreichische Postbus Aktiengesellschaft | Address identifiers (building number, street name, postcode) | Basic commercial conditions such as refunding/replacing/exchanging/transferring and basic booking conditions such as purchase windows, validity periods, routing restrictions zonal sequence fares, minimum stay. | Basic common standard fares (all scheduled modes): — Fare network data (fare zones/stops and fare stages) — Standard fare structures (point to point including daily and weekly fares, zonal fares, flat fares) | Common fare products (access rights such as zone/point-to-point including daily and weekly tickets/single/return, eligibility of access, basic usage conditions such as validity period/operator/time of travel/interchanging, standard point to point fares pr | Hours of operation | Operational calendar, mapping day types to calendar dates | Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.) | Points of interest (related to transport information) to which people may wish to travel | Special Fare Products: offers with additional special conditions such as promotional fares, group fares, season passes, aggregated products combining different products and add on products such as parking and travel, minimum stay | Timetables | Topographic places (city, town, village, suburb, administrative unit) | Transport operators | Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes and car parking (all scheduled modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Ostösterreich | Südösterreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Data for ITS servicesTraffic data

Vienna Airport Lines

Website der Vienna Airport Lines mit Informationen betreffend Fahrplan, Haltestellen, Ticketpreisen und Busausstattung.

Österreichische Postbus Aktiengesellschaft | Access Nodes: Identified access nodes (all scheduled modes) | Address identifiers (building number, street name, postcode) | Basic commercial conditions such as refunding/replacing/exchanging/transferring and basic booking conditions such as purchase windows, validity periods, routing restrictions zonal sequence fares, minimum stay. | Basic common standard fares (all scheduled modes): — Fare network data (fare zones/stops and fare stages) — Standard fare structures (point to point including daily and weekly fares, zonal fares, flat fares) | Common fare products (access rights such as zone/point-to-point including daily and weekly tickets/single/return, eligibility of access, basic usage conditions such as validity period/operator/time of travel/interchanging, standard point to point fares pr | Connection links where interchanges may be made, default transfer times between modes at interchanges | Estimated departure and arrival times of services | Hours of operation | Operational calendar, mapping day types to calendar dates | Passenger classes (classes of user such as adult, child, student, veteran, impaired access and qualifying conditions and classes of travel such as 1st, 2nd.) | Planned interchanges between guaranteed scheduled services | Points of interest (related to transport information) to which people may wish to travel | Real-time status information — delays, cancellations, guaranteed connections monitoring (all modes) | Special Fare Products: offers with additional special conditions such as promotional fares, group fares, season passes, aggregated products combining different products and add on products such as parking and travel, minimum stay | Stop facilities access nodes (including platform information, help desks/information points, ticket booths, lifts/stairs, entrances and exit locations) | Timetables | Topographic places (city, town, village, suburb, administrative unit) | Transport operators | Travel times | Vehicle facilities such as classes of carriage, on-board Wi-Fi. | Vehicles (low floor; wheelchair accessible) | Where and how to buy tickets for scheduled modes, demand responsive modes and car parking (all scheduled modes and demand-responsive incl. retail channels, fulfilment methods, payment methods) | Ostösterreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
Traffic data

Ganglinien (EVIS.AT)

Ganglinien zu Verkehrslage, Level Of Service und Reisezeit aus der Kooperation EVIS.AT flächendeckend für die wesentlichen Straßen in ganz Österreich.

ASFINAG | Estimated travel times | Expected delays | locations of queues | Speed | Travel times | Waiting time at border crossings to non-EU Member States | Inkl. Grenzgebiet | Österreich | Autobahnen und Schnellstraßen | Bundes- und Landesstraßen | Stadt und Gemeindestraßen | Straßennetzwerk
